Monday 18 November 2013

Advance Reviews

"In a genre that often relies on shock value to create terror, Kane shows that it is possible to draw on the darkness of the reader’s mind to create terror rather than throw gratuitous violence and gore on the page to manufacture terror [...] In the hands of a lesser author, it would be easy for a story like “Shattered” to become unfocused and lose its edge. Kane shows deftness in handling the story as well as a deep understanding of what horror is all about and is able to shape the story into one that is sure to resonate with the reader." - Examiner

"Shattered by C.S. Kane is one of those dark and sinister reads that are perfect to read on a dark and stormy night for those of us who love to occasionally delve into a haunting read that toys with the mind. The author sets a bleak stage, both physically and emotionally and unrolls the action from there, creating just the right amount of frenzy and fear!" - Tome Tender

Thursday 14 November 2013


The brand new website is coming very soon over at so please keep your eyes peeled for it!