Tuesday 19 March 2013


Things have been hotting up here in the depths of Kane HQ. The big news is that SHATTERED is almost ready to be published by DarkFuse and I am excitedly awaiting to see the finished artwork for the cover. I've also been submitting a number of reviews and articles to DarkMedia Online. Please feel free to check out both of these great websites.

I've had my first experience as an interviewee. The topic up for discussion was the upcoming novella and my motivations for writing. I was also queried as to what is like to get to this stage after my brain injury. It was a bit of a roller coaster truth be told but hopefully it will go down well and raise awareness of the great support system that is the Cedar Foundation. I will post links as soon as it is published.

The next stage is completing edits on the first draft of my first full length novel. Getting there slowly. Upcoming blog posts will include A Weekend with Colin Bateman, Writing Room and Interview with an Author, to name but a few.

Please keep dropping by for updates and exclusives.

See you in your nightmares,
